Returns & Refunds

The return and refund policy outlines the circumstances in which a consumer may ask for a refund or to return the goods they have purchased. The item must be unused and in the same condition as you received it in order to be eligible for a return or refund.

We at Homeydecos allow the return of the product under the following circumstances:

- The quantity or size is incorrect

- Item received is damaged or defective

- Wrong item received

These instances must be discovered as soon as the package is opened; otherwise, Homeydecos will not be held responsible for them.

If a customer changes their mind after getting it, we won't accept the return. If your address is verified and proven to be accurate and complete but the package is still lost, we guarantee to refund your money. If you mentioned it incorrectly or incompletely, you will need to start the purchase over.

Your account will be immediately credited with the purchase price of the original item, minus shipping and other fees. We only accept full payment if you haven't received anything at your doorstep.

Meanwhile, you may always get in touch with us at: